omniformat image conversion

The OmniFormat Optical Character Module enables OmniFormat to automatically convert scanned images to text when the TXT output format is selected in OmniFormat.

The OmniFormat OCR module works best if documents are scanned at 200 - 300 DPI. The accuracy of the resultant text files may be improved by running the Microsoft Word spell checker. The OmiFormat OCR Module will process all import formats handled by OmniFormat. It can also extract text from PDF files and be run from the command line.

The OmniFormat Optical Character Recognition Module comes with absolutely no warranty. This software contains a partial version of GNU GOCR installed in ..\omniformat\ocr. GNU GOCR comes with absolutely no warranty. GOCR is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For more details visit GOCR and see the GNU General Public License.

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